Water Softener Installation & Maintenance

Hard Water (calcium & magnesium) is a common problem for many homeowners. When hardness minerals are combined with heat it forms troublesome scale. Scale causes costly build-up in your plumbing, water heater and other water using appliances. When combined with soap, the minerals form soap curd or scum that makes skin dry and itchy, hair lifeless, laundry dull and builds up on fixtures.

You Deserve the Many Benefits of Soft Water

  • Silky shiny hair
  • Soft supple skin
  • Crystal clear dishes & glassware
  • Bright whites, vibrant colours
  • Easier cleaning
  • Use up to 75% less soap
  • Lower water heating cost by 29%
  • Protect plumbing & appliances
  • Extend life of laundry
  • Save money

Multiple Water Problems? Single Solution!

Many ground water supplies often have multiple problems that are not only an issue from an aesthetic standpoint but in terms of cost when pipes become clogged, fixtures stained and laundry discoloured. Combination units provide one solution for multiple problems saving you space and money.

Tannins, Lignin & Colour

Tannins are caused by decaying organic matter which stains most materials it comes into contact with. A mix of specially formulated resins both soften and remove troublesome tannins.